Frequently Asked Questions

Customer portal

How does the customer portal work?

You can easily and quickly order your desired 51 Degrees North products online via our customer portal. The current offer with up to date stock can be viewed here at a glance.

1. Request your login at info@51degreesnorth.be.
2. Log in here with the details you received from us via e-mail.
3. Select at the top '51 Degrees North'.
4. Choose the desired category.
5. Select the desired collection.
6. Choose the desired item - If the product is in stock you will see a green check mark. If not in stock a red tick will appear (Only items with a green tick are available. If you require an item that is not available (red tick) please email info@51degreesnorth.be or contact your personal representative).
7. Add the available item to your basket by clicking '+'. If you want more items of the same item, press '+' until the desired number is reached.
8. If you want more info on an article, click on ‘More info’ below the article.
9. If you have finished shopping, go to your shopping basket at the top right of the screen.
10. Verify your order and proceed with ‘details of order’.
11. Add a comment if desired.
12. Continue with ‘confirm and display prices’.
13. Click on ‘send’ to place the order.
14. We receive your order and get to work. You will receive a confirmation e-mail from us with the estimated time of delivery.

Where can I find the customer portal?

You can find the customer portal here or in the top right corner of this page: 'Reseller' -> 'Login'.
Use your personal login to access.

Because your unique login must be linked by us to your customer data in our ERP system, you first have to request your personal login by sending an e-mail with a request to info@51degreesnorth.be.
With your name, your shop's name and address and the shop's VAT number, we have enough info.
With your unique log-in details, which we will send you by e-mail, you can now login to our customer portal.